Improving Speech Clarity with Hearing Aids
Clear speech makes all the difference in our daily lives. When you can
Experiencing challenges with hearing loss can have significant effects on your communication, self-assurance and overall wellness. Yet, discovering effective methods to navigate this condition can lead to an improved sense of comfort. The influence of hearing loss isn’t solely limited to auditory aspects; it can affect your cognitive capabilities and functional aspects as well. While it might not be feasible to completely avert every form of hearing loss, there are proactive measures you can adopt to decrease the likelihood of age-related or noise-induced hearing loss.
Advanced age often comes with higher hearing health risks. The good news is that incorporating the following habits into your lifestyle can help you maintain your hearing over time.
Visiting your hearing instrument specialist regularly is recommended. This is the best practice to diagnose hearing loss issues you may have overlooked. Moreover, it’s easier to prevent permanent hearing loss. Your HIS can fit your hearing aid if you require one to hear better.
Your brain plays a vital function in your hearing ability. For example, it interprets and translates signals into sounds you can hear and understand. Like your muscles, your brain needs frequent mental stimulation and exercise to stay in shape. Brain games are designed to keep your brain active and minimize degeneration. Playing individual games, namely puzzles, crosswords and chess, sharpens your mind. Ensure you reserve time for social interaction to maintain your hearing and general health.
Studies reveal cigarette smoke inhaled directly or passively can impact your hearing health. Heavy alcohol consumption, too, can create a bad environment in your ear. Therefore, try to avoid or limit your drinking and smoking habits.
Your mind and body work together, so you must balance your exercise for both areas for optimum health. Physical exercise is vital for blood circulation, central to your auditory system. The cochlea converts sound waves into electrical signals for your brain to decode, which relies on increased blood flow to function.
While no particular food has been proven to prevent hearing loss, a balanced diet can contribute to a healthy hearing system. Researchers warn that your risks of hearing loss can increase due to a lack of minerals and vitamins A, B, C, D, E and zinc and magnesium.
Meditation is a great mindfulness tool for regulating blood flow through deep relaxation. When you isolate yourself and sit in silence, you can focus on your inner healing process and eliminate stress. Focusing on your hearing during meditation helps you stay more attuned to the sounds around you. It can also allow you to hear sounds you previously couldn’t detect.
You only have one set of ears in your lifetime, and they form a crucial part of your health. The prevalence of hearing loss doesn’t mean you should accept the condition and do nothing. Hearing specialists suggest you observe these tips to prevent hearing loss.
According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 85 decibels is a relatively “safe” sound level for up to eight hours, after which every additional three decibels decreases the safe time by 30 minutes. Moving away from extreme noise is important when you have no hearing protection. As a tip, taking short breaks from loud noise can conserve your hearing.
To maintain ear health, it’s crucial to avoid inserting foreign objects into your ear canal. Inserting items like cotton swabs or other objects can push earwax deeper, potentially causing blockages or damage. Instead, let a hearing professional address any earwax concerns to ensure safe and proper cleaning.
Wearing hearing protection can minimize your risks of noise-induced hearing loss. Fortunately, it is available in different forms, from noise-canceling headphones to earplugs and custom earmolds.
If a nearby person can hear the songs from your earbuds, that sound is loud enough to damage your hearing. Consider turning down the volume of your headphones to 50% or 60% to avoid ruining your hearing ability.
With over two decades of experience in offering effective hearing solutions to families in Middle Tennessee, the Hearing Center of Columbia is well-equipped to help you overcome your hearing loss challenges. Whether you are looking for affordable hearing aids or hearing wellness evaluations, you can trust our professional hearing instrument specialists to help improve your quality of life. Call 931) 548-1166 now to learn more about the Hearing Center of Columbia.
Clear speech makes all the difference in our daily lives. When you can
When unexpected events happen, being prepared helps us handle them with
When it comes to your hearing health, having a trusted and reliable