
older gentleman in hearing clinic for diagnostic audiologic evaluation

The Link Between Hearing Loss And Cognitive Decline

For many people, hearing loss is a fact of life. There are a variety of factors that can cause someone to lose their hearing. While some illnesses may cause temporary hearing loss, many individuals will permanently lose some of their hearing. Aging is one of the most common causes of permanent hearing loss, as your […]

a hearing specialist performing a hearing aid fitting for his elderly patient

3 Reasons to See a Hearing Health Professional

Seeing a hearing health professional is a good thing to do. Whether you just want to check your hearing health or actually want to get hearing aids, there are reasons to invest in your hearing health. A Hearing Health Professional Can Help You Understand Your Options In addition to helping, you understand your options, a […]

side of mans head and ear

Can Tinnitus be Temporary?

Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause tinnitus. There are microscopic cells on the cochlea in the inner ear that move as sound enters the ear and sends signals the brain perceives as sound. Tinnitus is caused by damaged hair cells that transmit erroneous signals to the brain as you age. Short-term tinnitus normally fades […]

two patients looking at a premium hearing aid device on a display stand

3 Ways to Select the Best Hearing Aids

If you’re one of the more than 30-million Americans who experience hearing loss, you know how important it is to find the best hearing aids for your needs. However, with so many different styles and brands on the market, it can be hard to select the right pair of hearing aids. In this blog post, […]